Saturday, February 8, 2014

Alice's Book

Alice's Book is released from the studio.

Miniature Figurine

Alice in Wonderland - Zadar Miniature

$115.00. Height: 3/4 inch Issue Price: $115.00 US Dollars. Limited Edition of 75 signed and numbered pieces. Hand sculpted in wax and hand cast in solid foundry bronze, hand painted in oils. This figurine features Alice who is kneeling down reading a book she just discovered in the grass. She is searching for a way out of Wonderland and the book reveals the secrets. A fun and colorful piece.

Tea & Cookies

Tea & Cookies is released from the studio.

Miniature Figurine

$120.00. Height: 1/2 inch Issue Price: $120.00 US Dollars Limited Edition: 75 signed and numbered pieces Hand carved, hand cast in solid foundry bronze, hand painted in oils The piece features a kitten sitting on a picnic blanket with a teapot, teacup and a plate of cookies. Sure to be a popular piece with cat lovers!!

Micros Figurines

New Micro Bronze Figurines from the studio.

Miniature Figurines

$35.00 each, Snowman, Black Cat, 1/4 inch Issue Price: $35.00 U.S. Dollars each. Hand cast, hand carved, hand painted solid bronze miniature figurine Release October 2013. This is a very very small micro figurine!!!!

Un-Scared Crow

Un-Scared Crow is released from the studio

Miniature Figurine

$125.00. 3/4 inch. Limited edition: 75 signed and numbered pieces Hand, carved, hand cast foundry bronze, hand painted in oils. 2013 Figurine features two children a boy and a girl, in the process of setting up a scarecrow. However, they are not very successful as a crow has already landed on the arm of the scarecrow and does not seem too worried. This is a cute piece with good interaction with all the characters. The boy is seen placing a hat on the head of the scarecrow and the girl is wondering why the scarecrow isn't so scary after all.

Pied Piper

Pied Piper is released from the studio.

Miniature Figurine

$140.00. Height: 7/8 inch. Limited Edition: 75 signed and numbered figurines. Hand carved, hand cast in solid foundry bronze, hand painted in oils. As a kid growing up I always remembered the myth and legend of the mysterious piper who helped the town of Hamelin. For those who don't know the story a synopsis follows: In 1284 while the town of Hamelin, Germany was suffering from a rat infestation a man in pied clothing appeared claiming to be a rat catcher. He promised the mayor a solution for their problem with the rats. The mayor in turn promised to pay him for the removal of the rats. The man accepted and played a musical pipe to lure the rats with a song into the Weser River where all but one drowned. In the miniature version the Pied Piper is seen leading six rats out of the town. One sits on top of the sign pointing the way to Hamelin. This is painted in my favorite technique of all glazes.