The set will be produced and shipped in two pieces per month. The first two will be the Custom Base and the Peacock shipping end of July 2015. Next will be the Lady and Cupid with Jewelry, followed by Cupid with Mirror and Cupid with Flowers.Here are the individual pieces and base.
The height of the complete set is one inch. The individual pieces are 5/8" and 1/2".
Issue price is: Custom Base $120.00, Peacock $75.00, Lady $120.00, Cupid with Jewelry $65.00, Cupid with Mirror $115.00, Cupid with Flowers $75.00.
Contact your dealer to order. Remember, only 50 complete numbered sets will ever be made. After, a limited number of individual pieces will be available and these will not be numbered. All pieces will be signed on the bottom.
Thank you.
Randall Zadar
Zadar Studios