Monday, October 19, 2015

Porcelain Set - Final Pieces

Miniature Bronze Figurines

The final two pieces for the miniature Porcelain Collector Set have shipped to dealers. Now you can complete your sets. 

Zadar Bronze Miniature

#230C2 Cupid Three, Bronze-Cast, Hand-Painted, Limited Edition of 50 signed and numbered pieces, Height 1/2", Issue price $75.00

#230C3 Cupid Two, Bronze-Cast, Hand-Painted, Limited Edition of 50 signed and numbered pieces, Height 5/8", Issue price $115.00

Zadar Bronze Miniature

Here is where to place the figurines on the custom base.

Zadar Bronze Miniature

Here is the complete set.

Also, if you missed the Center Stage piece, I have produced a few of the separate dancers and flower basket pieces as shown below. The dancers are $45.00 each in yellow, red and blue. Also the flower basket, issue price is $25.00.

Zadar Bronze Miniature

Click HERE for a dealer list to place your order for any of the above pieces.

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks for collecting.

Randall Zadar
Zadar Studios